Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Gluten-Free Chick Recipe: Spaghetti Squash with Red Sauce (And Chicken)

Dave and I had a wonderful afternoon. We had some time to play with our cute nephew, and ran a few errands. I was STARVING when we got home, and I'm pretty sick of eating out, getting take out, or getting fast food. We had a spaghetti squash sitting on the counter, and I thought to myself "Why not?" 

This recipe is gluten free, and if you make it without chicken, it can be vegetarian or vegan. (And it's only 344 calories a serving!) It was super easy to prepare (which I love) but had a long baking time (boo!). Overall, I was very content with dinner. And it was delicious. 

Here is the recipe, enjoy!!


1 spaghetti squash 
2 TBSP Olive Oil
1 jar of red sauce of your choosing (I used Classico Creamy Spinach and Parmesan)
2 diced chicken breasts (or shredded rotisserie chicken)

-Preheat oven to 375 degrees.Wash the squash, and cut off the stem. Cut the squash in half, and scoop out the seeds. (Don't overscoop, as you will be digging into the fruit of the squash at that point.) Coat each side of the squash in 1 TBSP of olive oil. Salt and pepper each side of the squash. (I probably used about a TSP of salt and pepper on each side of the squash. Throw the squash in the oven for 45 minutes. 
-Simmer the red sauce until warm. Add chicken to red sauce (if desired).
-Scrape the squash. Use a fork and scrape the sides. It will flake away in long strands. It should look a lot like spaghetti. 
-Put the squash in the sauce and mix together.
-Serve warm. ENJOY!

All my love,




  1. This is one of my all time favorite meals to eat! In the past I've made my own sauce, but that would make it so much easier to just use my favorite jar sauce. I'll try that next time! Cute blog, by the way :)

  2. Also, I just got your comment on my blog, and it's not too late for our friendship!! I may be stranded on a tropical island for a few years, but new blog friendships are 4evR, I'm pretty sure :)

  3. Blogs are forever! Let's be best buds!
